
Notes and thoughts

Buckley Bars

Buckley Bars is a series of chocolate bars inspired and named after some of the songs by the late musician Jeff Buckley. It all started back in 2014 when I came across his music and his lyrics. It was a single note from the song Last Goodbye that brought me shivers and goosebumps in a beautiful way... in other words, it made me feel all the feels. <3

I've listened to every live version, every recording, pretty much anything I could find and it left me wanting more. Since then it's been in the back of my mind for me to find a way to experience his songs in different ways. I can listen to it, I can feel it, but what about tasting it? Sure, it seems kind of weird to want to taste songs but why not? It sounded like a great challenge and I was pumped to start it. I made a list of all the foods that made me feel love, made me feel happy, sad, nostalgic, melancholic and perhaps even angry but they were all separate items and then it hit me... chocolate!  I'm no WIlly Wonka but I think the flavors I chose are close to the real thing. 


unused video for Buckley Bars

Andrea Villanueva